
Friday, June 10, 2022

At All Times Cheat!!! Genius-Level Early '80s WWWF Interviews

An hour of amazing TV interview segments with such class-act grapplers as Andre the Giant, King Kong Mosca, Killer Khan, Mr. Fuji & Mr. Saito, and my personal role model Magnificent Don Muraco; managers Captain Lou Albano, Hollywood Fred Blassie and the Grand Wizard; and momma-lovin' jackasses Bob Backlund, Pedro Morales, Tony Garea & Rick Martel and Tony Atlas & S.D. Jones.

Bonus features include representation from Killer Kowalski's IWF promotion, a minor-league hockey pirate representing the Cape Cod Buccaneers and a mail-order album by Boxcar Willie.

"We'll show 'em how to skip a jack!"

